iPad/iPhone CGM and TIFF Viewer                available on App Store

iVizEx can operate either as an HTML web browser or a stand-alone viewing app. The price, only $3.99 for a limited period, click the AppStore logo to purchase.

As a web-browser, it enables the viewing of HTML with CGM and TIFF content. Designed for intelligent graphics application such an IETM’s (interactive electronic documentation), IPC (illustrated parts catalogs) or wiring diagrams. Supports full WebCGM 1.0 specfication that enables hotspots, screen tips, and hyper-linking.

As a standalone viewer CGM and TIFF files can be downloaded from DropBox or any FTP site for viewing on the iPad or iPhone. Once downloaded the files maybe be retained and marked-up with the built in drawing tools to add text, arrows and shapes. iVizEx includes all of the functionality that is found in the Larson VizEx Pro desktop viewer.

Technical Specifications

Licenses: Apple App Store
Platforms: iPhone, iPad IOS 4.2 and later
Input: CGM V1-4, CGM-PIP & TIFF
Profiles: ATA, CALS, S1000D & WebCGM
Available as SDK for developing custom applications. (requires Mac OSx system with XCode 4.2 or later)